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Tober said:
Torillian said:

Can't vote for illegal things even if you want them. 

Or to be more accurate, you can vote for them but the people you vote in can't do them. 

Also, just to keep adding things to this post: audits are not by definition good, they can be bad if done illegally or dishonestly (like this one)

What's illegal about it?

The executive branch has the power to audit itself I thought?

Like someone said above and you derided as goal post moving it's about how the audit is done. There are systems set up for this to protect the privacy of all those involved which have been ignored. You can't just bring in whatever dipshits you want and ignore security clearance, there are ways to do this legally.

There's a list of all the lawsuits that Elon is party of for his "audits". 

Think of this like Trump's documents case. Isn't the executive branch allowed to use it's own documents? Well sure, but only in ways that we have deemed legal, not however they damn well please. 
