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Beaten Final Fantasy 16. 6/10

Phenomenal music and HDR, really great production value on the main story path, pretty good story with excellent character but a facade of an RPG and almost everything else is a average as a game can possibly be. The characters and story beats really do the heavy lifting here, I'd rate it a 7 had they not added in pointless fetch quests in the main path. HDR is some of the wildest I've seen, playing this game at night in some of the boss battles often blinded me, so much use of it and so many colour effects that are just really cool to look at even if they are being used in over spectacle fashion. 

The side stuff is like an MMO, hell some of the main story stuff is like an MMO and it would make a great bones for one but as a single player RPG it's bland as they come. The game is best when it's being a DMC like game and I really wish they had leaned into that and put the recourses wasted on the side stuff into making it as great as it can be, a slimmed down one at that, it has no need to be this long but that's a persistentissue with almost all games these days. Pity, could have been something great but wasted potential on chasing the idea that Final Fantasy needs to be an RPG. That said, story and characters are that compelling that one slogged through some real shit part to see them through to the end. 

Last edited by LegitHyperbole - on 08 February 2025