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I'm not one for sweets these days, every few months I get a sweet tooth and just a few days ago I grabbed half a dozen different kinds since I couldn't tell what would be nice or not. Before last week I would have said Sour warheads or Toxic waste (The ones that injure your mouth if you eat too much) but I came across these, Nerd Gummy clusters...

...and my mind is blown. I have never had a sweet/candy that is this brilliantly tasty. The taste lasts long. When I was a child we never had anything close to these, Kids these days are on crank with these. Of what else I tried, they all seem to be elvated from what I remember as a wee one, some with some immensely tasty releases of sugar and they are SO full of sugar.

What else am I missing out on?

Last edited by LegitHyperbole - on 28 January 2025