It's the weekend and I'm feeling unwell so it's a long ass gaming session. Still maining Cyberpunk and replaced Blavk Myth Wu Kong as my 2nd in rotation to Final Fantasy 16 again, it's not great but it's effortless and that's what I want atm, pretty much an film with light gameplay elements, wasn't feeling Wu Kong at the moment, early game is like The Witcher 3 combat but without all that's great about TW3 attavhed to it, I'm sure I'l fall into it and progression opens up more avenues for combat variation but not right now. Chipping away at my ever green game, Army of ruin but it became so difficult to stay alive I assume there is grinding to be done, might swap it out for something easy like Crash Bandivoot 2 cause it looks like it'll be many hours of grind.