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Jumpin said:

2025 vs 2015 will be interesting. But I suppose we'll have to play Xenoblade Chronicles X first to see if the Switch version equals, exceeds, or falls short of the experience in 2015 on Wii U. As much as I didn't enjoy the console, that one (and perhaps the Wii U Wii Fit game) were games I did enjoy quite a lot.

I also feel like I didn't give Animal Crossing on Wii U a fair shake, I quit it early (for some forgotten reason), but I was enjoying it.
Earthbound was also a very nice surprise on Wii U - but overall, I felt Wii U had the weakest catalogue content. Switch has surpassed the Wii with its EShop and subscription offerings...

And if I may end this post on a small tangent the EShop/Subscription is still missing Chrono Trigger... I mean, I even Apple TV has that game - but somehow it has skipped the Switch this generation. I was hoping for a Pixel Remaster of the original game as I'm not particularly a fan of the additional content in the later ports - often stuff just felt either shoe-horned in or replacing the mysterious edges of the universe/story with unremarkable stuff. So a Pixel Remaster of the original game or a straight port of the SNES (same as Wii VC version) would be great.

Considering the changes we've seen for the Definitive Edition and the new content (back from the cut content they had to do). I'd say it's already exceeding my expectations since I was just thinking about of a small up-res port at first. Even better if we get a patch for the Switch 2 specifically !

As for the topic in broad terms. Didn't begin playing on my WiiU before summer of 2016 so it goes to say that I have no affinity with the year 2014 in question. 2024 is fresher in my mind and I've got a couple of great experiences that'll stick as some of the best the Switch had to offer. 

Honestly ... Just do a coin flip 

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