SvennoJ said:
LegitHyperbole said:
You make a great point about having a bloat slider, that's really smart and perhaps someday they will implement something like that, many will say it's up to you to ignore it but that's like saying there is right and wrong ways to play a game. However, I disagree with The Witcher 3s loot, if playing on the highest difficulty you need all that shit and to prepare master weapons you have to be Looting everything just like it is in Fallout 4 with the building. I fucking hate when they have empty drawers, it's happening in Alan Wake 2 and is properly annoying. But yes, Directors cuts need to be part of future updates like NG+ modes are. When FF7 remake finally finishes I hope for a directors cut of those three games to makes a concise experience more closely related to FF7 and by directors cut I actually mean cut, not adding stuff in like in films. Exactly to your point. |
The thing is, I turned it down to easy, ignoring master weapons, ointments and what not. Why am I still getting all this loot fodder you 90% don't need for a condensed play through. TW3 was actually pretty good on 'easy' as you can take on much higher enemies and use other tactics than 'preparation'. Many fun fights with mini bosses, battles of attrition and evasion rather than preparation and tanking the boss.
Adjust loot to difficulty level, makes sense! For example condensed mode, no repair mechanic, no loot for repairs. Not that hard to do with filters. Extended combat mode vs condensed story mode.
As for FF, also battles that don't last for an hour or even longer lol.
And yeah, a filter on empty drawers / chests etc. I wouldn't mind a loot filter in PoE2 as well. (And for loot not to cover the screen during battle, we've died because we couldn't see anything anymore, screen covered in loot names which draw over top lol) Let me set minimums and types for loot I'm interested in, don't show if it doesn't meet the criteria. I do that 'scan' myself now, if base stats Sure it's more settings again, which can be streamlined and then removes avoidable busy work and clutter while playing. Streamlined loot system as an option! "Clean up aisle 3" feeling after a big battle needs to go. Don't waste my time with fodder.
Modern rpgs
Devs just love sliders for difficulty without taking these things into account, that's why I hate difficulty sliders and find my self going up or down through playthroughs cause all balance goes out the window. FromSoft do it right, they can balance their games so perfectly, Sekiro is thee most balanced game ever to be made and no difficulty slider.
Like with FF7r, just sponge after sponge on hard mode that's zero fun to attempt but the game is too easy on easy and too spongey at times on normal. Adjust the stuff you said.
But I'll tell you one thing, you'll never see an "ARPG" without loot issues and limited inventory space, especially a free to play one that sells inventory space, regardless of them selling space it's too woven into the gameplay loop, grind, loot, dump or sell and grind again. Best you're going to get in POE2 is a loot filter like PoE1.