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firebush03 said:
sundin13 said:

First of all, if you have something to say to me, I'm right here... 

i'm not responding to every comment. If a comment doesn't need a response, or if it's content is so absurd that I don't take it seriously enough to provide a response, then you don't get a response. Your comment fell in the latter category for the reason which should be obvious from my response to RolStoppable: You argued that polls cannot be trust b/c wording-of-the-question bias. No poll sets itself as a picture-perfect representation of society, though it should give us an idea as to what people are thinking. (p.s. war in the middle east = inflated gas prices. This is the last thing Biden/Harris need in October. Ceasefire would avoid all of this...)

Strike Two:

That still isn't what I said. 

I find it quite amusing that you call my comment absurd yet you can't seem to grasp what it actually said.