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LurkerJ said:

Former World of Warcraft Team Lead Mark Kern also stated, “Concord, the new game by Firewalk Studios is so focused on ‘inclusive’ teams that they forgot the white guys in their game. Inclusive should not mean racists against white people, but it too often does.”

This enforces my point, the level of discourse around the game is disgusting. There is a white male character in the game, even if there wasn't, if we are going to say Concord is racist against white people because the cast is completely non-white, then this argument can be flipped against games with non-inclusive cast, either argument is stupid to make. Not to mention, outside of the cast, Concord's story and lore do nothing to push any political agenda, non at all, so for this ex WoW leader to be paranoid about non-existent anti-white racism is frankly psychotic. 

So overall, I clearly don't agree with these tweets from 2020. But it doesn't make the lead designer of concord, Jon, an asshole for sharing his opinions, if anything, he comes across as a caring person with good intentions. He's not a politician, he's not a political commentator, he's not a news anchor, he's a person on twitter who designed characters in a game that literally no one is forced to buy, whether his work is motivated by a cause he wants to champion or not, it doesn't matter, all artists channel what they believe in through some of their work. Don't like? don't buy. 

As for the other developer trolling back the trolls, if you see their twitter feed you will understand why they're "hitting back". This is what's happening: a bunch of trolls harassing regular devs (not rich Hollywood stars) on twitter non stop waiting for a reaction, then they got a screenshot of those reactions to validate their uncivilised behaviour and shout SEE? THESE PEOPLE ARE ASSHOLES, HATE THEM SOME MORE. I also find the article you linked to be written in bad faith, going on a deleted-tweets-hunt and writing a hit piece based on 4 year old tweets... smh. 

Can you honestly not see how pathological and psychotic this is? This isn't real criticism or feedback, be real and check their twitter feeds for yourself. 

You can't honestly say even if there weren't whites in the game it would be fine. That would not be inclusive, and the apparent message to white people or majorities is that games have too many majorities and white people and need to be more inclusive of minorities.

Well while being given the chance, leaving white people out, or even turning them into the minority, could easily suggest to white people that, 'we're just gunna do the same to you, as we believe you've done to us, as long as we have the ability to.'

If you're a white person, majority, or just somebody who truly believes in inclusivity, then obviously this isn't going to fly, and will be fought against. Even worse, if you have a problem like having too many whites in games, and you make whites think they're going to get left out in the future, you really don't think they might not decide to just leave things the way they already were in that case?

Peoples word matters. Accuracy matters. Follow through matters. This is a major reason why mainstream news is suffering, and it applies to almost everything.

If inclusivity doesn't need to be in everything, and doesn't need to be 100% equal in every game, then that shouldn't ever be voiced as a concern, and if it is by some by chance, we should see a clear constructive reaction against them. That's not what typically happens though.

As for the trolling tweets and non constructive criticism, that's obviously not acceptable. But when it comes to the majority voicing their opinion through social media, there's another clear hypocrisy here that doesn't seem to be obvious to some. 

When the minority speaks up through social media because they have a problem they want solved, that's seen by them as acceptable, yet when the majority does the same thing, that's seen by the minority as unacceptable. In a world where we apparently are supposed to be shooting for inclusivity and equality, you can't be against the majority voicing concerns. You can disagree with them, but you shouldn't have a problem with it, yet it seems at least some of the minority do.

Even worse, devs or the minority lashing out in retaliation just makes them seem just as bad if not worse from a general perspective. Yes, they may not have started it, and it may have been some of the majority who were being complete jerks, but lashing out in response is not a smart civilized way of dealing with that and will hurt the minority or the game in this instance in the end.

We're just as bad as you is a terrible look. We're above that and won't stoop to those levels is what people have respect for and want to see.

Last edited by EricHiggin - on 08 September 2024