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curl-6 said:
LurkerJ said:

@Curl-6: would be nice to have the direct quote, a while back you accused an ex firewalk dev of calling people with valid criticism "talentless hacks" when they were clearly referring to trolls, it might be an issue with your biased understanding rather than an actual agenda. 

The comment itself has been deleted, but what he said was that "whites must acknowledge their privileged position" and that those who don't are complicit in systemic racism:

He also claims the justice system is "white supremacy".

As for the talentless hacks comment, hating a game doesn't necessarily make someone a troll. The dev in question seemed to just be lashing out in general and being something of a troll himself:

I have just read the article posted on June 2024 about tweets from June 2020 back when the country was having heated arguments over racial issues., Even though it's not why you linked the article, but I'll by commenting on this quote first: 

Former World of Warcraft Team Lead Mark Kern also stated, “Concord, the new game by Firewalk Studios is so focused on ‘inclusive’ teams that they forgot the white guys in their game. Inclusive should not mean racists against white people, but it too often does.”

This enforces my point, the level of discourse around the game is disgusting. There is a white male character in the game, even if there wasn't, if we are going to say Concord is racist against white people because the cast is completely non-white, then this argument can be flipped against games with non-inclusive cast, either argument is stupid to make. Not to mention, outside of the cast, Concord's story and lore do nothing to push any political agenda, non at all, so for this ex WoW leader to be paranoid about non-existent anti-white racism is frankly psychotic. 

Now to the comments made by the lead Concord designer, which to be fair to you, is the reason why you provided me with the link.

I have gone through them. I personally don't like this rhetoric at all, it's simply not applicable in an age when all young people are struggling to get a decent paying job, buy a house, get healthcare, and poverty on the rise across all ethnicities in the country. Certainly it is the case in the UK. So when some privileged journalist, TV anchor, game designer or a YouTube commentator etc, start telling white people to acknowledge their privilege, the same people who are struggling to save up because rentals are too high, I don't blame them when they feel insulted, what fucking privilege are you talking about. This rhetoric is alienating, and it trivialises the daily struggles of a large chunks of societies based on skin colour.  The only people who benefit from this is the political class and the rich who thrive on division.

I am also not anti-police, the only people who suffer when the police isn't doing their job is the poor and the middle class, so I have little sympathy for law breakers spreading disorder and crime who end up occasionally brutalised by the police, play stupid games and win stupid prizes, some call that excessive but look at what happens when the pendulum swings to the other side and you end up with a completely dysfunctional police units, regular people suffer, people living in mansions are not affected. 

So overall, I clearly don't agree with these tweets from 2020. But it doesn't make the lead designer of concord, Jon, an asshole for sharing his opinions, if anything, he comes across as a caring person with good intentions. He's not a politician, he's not a political commentator, he's not a news anchor, he's a person on twitter who designed characters in a game that literally no one is forced to buy, whether his work is motivated by a cause he wants to champion or not, it doesn't matter, all artists channel what they believe in through some of their work. Don't like? don't buy. 

I just looked up his twitter profile, unsurprisingly, he's being trolled to hell and back for every tweet he posts, this is wrong, online bullying is a a real thing. Vote with your wallet and don't buy the game, leave a negative review if you want. Don't go harassing employees in a volatile industry with volatile jobs on social media for something you are not forced to buy, they're not freaking George Clooney. 

Moreover, even though I find some of the tweets in the article cringe-worthy, I have been recently asking myself just how complicit I am in the genocide taking place in Gaza, with our government refusing to stop shipping arms to a super far ultra right crazy religious fanatics who are outspoken about their mission to kill innocent people and steal their lands. Am I doing enough to stop it? I feel like I should do more, so I kinda relate to how Jon felt even if I disagree with how he went on about expressing it in some of those 4 year old tweets (I don't mind the way he expressed in Concord though, he designed characters, who cares). 

As for the other developer trolling back the trolls, if you see their twitter feed you will understand why they're "hitting back". This is what's happening: a bunch of trolls harassing regular devs (not rich Hollywood stars) on twitter non stop waiting for a reaction, then they got a screenshot of those reactions to validate their uncivilised behaviour and shout SEE? THESE PEOPLE ARE ASSHOLES, HATE THEM SOME MORE. I also find the article you linked to be written in bad faith, going on a deleted-tweets-hunt and writing a hit piece based on 4 year old tweets... smh. 

Can you honestly not see how pathological and psychotic this is? This isn't real criticism or feedback, be real and check their twitter feeds for yourself. 

Last edited by LurkerJ - on 07 September 2024