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RolStoppable said:
Mar1217 said:

It's funny in retrospect to look back at that time Nintendo announced to it's shareholders that they wanted the system to last at 10 years when they realized it's success.

It's still the active system for Nintendo during it's 8th year and will not be replaced before it begins it's 9th cycle. They sure weren't kidding

I don't recall Nintendo ever mentioning a specific timespan like "at least ten years." What they did say time and time again is that Switch won't be bound to Nintendo's conventional console lifecycle. (Which would have meant six years until replacement.)

You're right. I was mislead by an article I read on the question. It was about Furukawa wanting to go beyond the conventional 5-6 years span they were going with consoles at the time. Therefore, people speculated about 7-10 years for the system.

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