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Slownenberg said:
zeldaring said:

Nothing crazy about it. Prime Remastered isn't known for its great fast paced combat. The combat is mid from Most reviews that talk about it. We have had action games like Astral chain, and blood born run at 30fps and still play well enough. Look I dislike 30fps in action games and fps but in the case since Switch 2 is coming out and run it at 60fps they could do way more at 30fps with ancient hardware like the switch just my 2 cents. Metroid is a pretty small ip for ninetndo and anyone buying it will most likely get a switch 2 day one for it.

First off, we have no idea if it is actually coming out on Switch 2. That's just a guess, though it may prove correct. Secondly, Switch is probably gonna have a 150m user base when this comes out, lots of sales of MP4 are gonna be on Switch even if it is cross gen. Very good chance if it is cross gen most sales will be on Switch not S2. S2 will almost certainly launch with 3D Mario and Mario Kart likely won't be far behind so it's not like they are gonna rely on a cross gen Switch upgraded fairly niche game to be the big launch game.

They've made it as a Switch game, if it is cross gen it'll likely just be a resolution upgrade, maybe at most they upgrade graphics slightly. Point is, it needs to run well on Switch, not run poorly on Switch. 30fps vs 60fps doesn't make a significant difference for most genres, 30fps works perfectly fine for most games, but first person shooters is one genre where 60fps makes a big difference. In first person shooters the camera pans around quickly compared to most other types of games, and 30fps makes that panning a little choppy or blurry, 60fps makes it smooth and clear.

So yeah, 60fps is a must have for MP4 on any system. That's a basic requirement of the game running well.

And combat in Prime games isn't "mid", it's just an exploration focused first person game. The shooting action is there and good when it is there, sometimes it's just knocking out an enemy or two easily and sometimes its straight up frantic, but exploration is the main game mechanic, shooting secondary. This isn't halo, it's metroid.

Also Metroid Prime Remastered is FANTASTIC! Don't go saying silly stuff like any part of that game is "mid" just because you read some review. That's probably among the best games ever made.

I don't think there is any silly about that. Most  games combat from that era hasn't ages well imo. Resident evil 4 2005 probably best game ever for it's time but now the combat is extremely dated and easy. Group enemies together head shot and kick, rinse and repeat, it was a snooze fest when i replayed it 10 years later.