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Rewatching my favourite show of recent times, For All Mankind. It's an alternate history drama that often gets wrapped into the "science fiction" genre because of the technology advancement differences, and also the creator is Ronald D. Moore (Lead Writer on Star Trek TNG, Deep Space 9, and creator of the Battlestar Galactica remake). This show is cinematically far ahead of those shows. Lots of research done to give the different decades a historical feeling. It's also a bit of an experimental show since in four seasons we've moved from the 1960s to the 2000s. As the decades move forward, society diverges more and more.

It asks the question, "What would happen if the space race didn't end with the moon?" Here are a few scenes to give a taste without spoiling much.

Episode 1 answers how that might happen?

The first Moon landing happens a little differently.

A later scene from Episode 1 highlights the authenticity of the eras that the show captures, along with its practical cinematography.

And then in Episode 2 "He Built the Saturn 5" Werner Von Braun answers for the current direction. Nixon is pissed about losing to the Russians, worries about the press saying "Nixon lost the moon" - and says it was Von Braun who could have landed the Apollo 10 on the moon.

Season 2 ends in 1983 with a call between Werner Von Braun's protege, Margo Madison, and the head of the Russian space engineering (who she has a bit of a crush on) before shifting into a Season 3 teaser (which takes place across the first half of the 1990s).

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.