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Manlytears said:
zeldaring said:

No game will ever capture how i felt playing mario 64 for the first time. it really just had it all for its time, basically the perfect game while being revolutionary. OOT is up there but when you think about it, other then bringing the world to life in 3d the controls were not great, compared to something like mario 64 where they brought the world to life and mario still has probably the best controls of any platformer and most moves in his arsenal. 

This is mostly due to the limitations of the N64 controller, which in my opinion was a design failure. Zelda OoT brings very innovative, revolutionary and complex elements, but the absence of a second analogue hurts the game.

The lack of a second analog stick restricted camera control in OoT. We were forced to rely on the "Z-targeting" to lock onto enemies and adjust the camera, a workaround that was innovative but limited in flexibility. In contrast, having a second analog stick would have allowed players to control the camera independently, providing a smoother and more immersive exploration experience. 

Futhermore, Nintendo 64 stick is Just bad. its flaws became apparent with extended use. The plastic-on-plastic mechanism led to rapid degradation, causing the stick to become loose and imprecise, also, It breaks easily and is limited in fuctions.

With all that Said, DualShock controller’s introduction of dual analog sticks directly addressed these issues, offering a more refined control scheme that allowed for simultaneous movement, camera adjustment and more. This setup has since become standard, and with the revolutionary controller introduced by Sony it was possible to evolve in the various concepts introduced in OoT, but which were unfortunately limited by Nintendo's flawed desing.

That's the thing and it why mario 64 is the best game they ever made. By the time dual analogs were a thing so the game didn't have that revolutionary gameplay that Mario 64 had and don't get me wrong oot was a amazing game for its time.