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Leynos said:
curl-6 said:

Echoing Ryuu, can we please refrain from derailing into "Hellblade bomba/Xbox bad" territory? This isn't the thread for that conversation. This is specifically about the game's graphics. 

And holy shit those graphics.

Is the CA getting dialed up as the game goes on? If it gets any more intense I feel like I need to put on 3D glasses.

Actually I was looking to see it myself and didn't notice much of it until I looked at the 3rd screenshot on the upper middle. The rocks are basked in a blue underline lol. 2nd screenshot as some of it too in the detailed foliage.

Is really supposed to make it more immersive or is it there because it saves on performance ? 

Though, this isn't what I'd considered a breaker, cmon, let's not exaggerate too much there.

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