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Soundwave said:
zeldaring said:

Naw they just need to focus on the PC market and make ports great. Switch 2 has a user base is 0 and no big third party really wants to make software tailored for the Switch cause  as you can imagine it's not fun working on something so old and not able to achieve there vision.

Their games are going to be tailored to Switch 2, again maybe you should have put your money where your mouth is and supported these games on the PS5 if you don't like it.

Graphics enthusiasts make a lot of noise as a minority on message forums on the internet, but that doesn't translate to actual sales in the real world where Square-Enix has to pay bills and answer to their business suits (board of directors) and shareholders when big budget games fail to sell. You guys had your chance to support games like Rebirth, and 16, and Forspoken and all of Square's wonderful vision's and you didn't show up. Now there are consequences. 

Their "vision" doesn't mean shit if they ain't getting the sales. This is a business, not an afterschool hobby club for people to achieve their vision, lol, fuck their vision.  

If Capcom can make a mediocre looking Monster Hunter 6 that is probably going to be on Switch 2, Square will get used to the business reality of making games in 2025, which is only 5-6 Western studios really are going to be getting massive budgets going forward with $300+ million budgets and 7+ year dev cycles, everyone else is gonna have to make due with less. It ain't 1997 or 2002 anymore where Final Fantasy was like the top of the heap for industry production value, those days are over and never coming back.

I doubt it but we'll see monster Hunter was mainly a Nintendo selling franchise capcom said fuck handhelds and made a killing  on pc and ps4, and monster Hunter wilds looks to have a world that has unscripted even with do many things going on that it would probably cripple the switch 2 cpu.