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Gaming is at it's core an art form, and everyone knows art isn't the easiest sell and when it does sell, it never really sells for much. Not unless it's found to be truly unique or special and even then, it tends to take decades or centuries to become ultra valuable.

Having massive Corps running gaming companies is already a problem. The more they consolidate, if they go that route, the worse it get's as they get larger and even more corporate. It's a bit different if the Corp grows internally or is gaming only and nothing else, but even then it can become a problem if unending greed sets in.
If one Corp is much larger than a competitor and they decide to just use that money to buy their way to a massive advantage, it also makes things worse because they eventually gain too much control, plus the smaller Corps have no choice but to focus on profits so they don't have to just sit there and watch the industry get gobbled up. Even worse, if a Corp cares more about instant profits, they are likely to just axe whatever isn't making "enough profit" so they can "cut losses" or redistribute resources to whatever else is making large profits. This is basically incompatible with art, if you truly want to spread that art to the masses.

Good gaming management requires being run by a fairly reasonable Corp, and those are getting fewer and fewer by the day, especially in the western world.