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An absolute disgrace, though nothing new or unexpected in the current climate in the industry. It's just remarkably shortsighted as always, as the video game industry keeps putting some of its most talented people out of work and out of the industry in general. It's just companies staring at the next quarter earnings, rather than considering what exactly is going to drive the companies' revenue over the next five years, let alone ten. Every time these massive layoffs happen, huge sections of those people will leave video games for good, and every time that happens we lose a ridiculous amount of experience and talent that gets more and more difficult to replace with each passing year.

Most of these massive companies are continually announcing record revenues and profits, yet none of that is ever enough, as the whole system we currently have in place is predicated on the idea that there must always be growth, next year's profits must always be higher than the last. It's unsustainable, and much of these layoffs are just a way to push the inevitable a little further back, to squeeze that little bit more money out of the industry and hide just how shaky the foundation for a lot of these companies has become.