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Bouncing around re-watches of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Trailer Park Boys, The Simpsons, and Curb Your Enthusiasm (rewatching up to the new, supposedly final, season).

Recently finished Archer.
Also watching that new Fallout series, got a couple of episodes in last week, will probably get another 2-3 in this weekend.
For films, planning to rewatch Citizen Kane and Rear Window since I recently saw the Simpsons versions of both (Rosebud, the Bobo episode, and Bart of Darkness, the one where Bart breaks his leg and doesn’t get to use the pool they bought - and slips into madness).

A couple of notes on these films. Citizen Kane is not a typical film, as it pretty much breaks every “rule”: Exposition, voice overs, no solid act structure (it’s more like chapters), pacing changes, and so on. So I understand people who have trouble processing this one and say they don’t like it - as most people have trained themselves on films that all have very similar structures. If you’re a book reader or an RPG gamer, and are used to experiencing new story structures, this one is highly recommended. The film is a series of interviews by reporters covering the death of the wealthiest man since Kublai Khan, (instead of Charles Montgomery Burns, it’s) Charles Foster Kane, trying to find out what this mysterious “rosebud” is - which was the last word he spoke before his death. The film does a lot of artistic stuff that becomes part of the style of later films - for example: when people are becoming less relevant to the story, they often appear further back in the scenes they’re in - this is related to famous shrinking scene or Mrs Robinson in the Dustin Hoffman film The Graduate - another film the Simpsons covered (Lisa’s Substitute) which took the romantic element out and made it more of a father-daughter relationship, and had Dustin Hoffman play the voice of the older character while Lisa is the younger.

Rear Window, on the other hand, is like a classic pop song with lots of features that make it enjoyable to all sorts of audiences. It’s one of the most widely accessible films of all time, and has enough little alcoves that it’s always interesting on rewatches. It’s more of a Summer movie - much like the Simpsons episode, the film features a brutally hot summer and the main character (played by Jimmy Stewart) has a broken leg and can’t go outside, so he props himself up in the rear window of his New York City apartment, and watches other apartments with his telescope - everyone has their windows wide open (because of the heat, and air conditioners hadn’t been available yet) and all these little stories in the other apartments happen (romances, parties, sadness, and so-on)… and then he spots what he believes might be a murder.

I love both films - I’ve probably seen Rear Window more than 50 times since childhood.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.