Avatar: The Last Airbender (live action): The animated series is one of the best of all time. The movie is one of the worst of all time. This live action series falls squarely in between for an altogether adequate adaptation. The production values are decent but the story is rushed, the action is hit or miss, and the acting generally leaves a lot to be desired. I know it's hard to find actors who can really fight and martial artist who can really act but the bending was a bit lacking as well; it often felt more like people doing magic by waving their hands a bit rather than the extension of martial arts that it's supposed to be. The somewhat darker and more serious tone was another curious choice and I prefer the lighthearted levity of the original. I'd give a second season a chance but more than anything this show has just reminded me how special the original is and that it's been too long since I last gave it a proper watch.