160rmf said:
Fair enough, I see. But thankfully Spanish is not that weird for portuguese speakers. Not ideal I know, but it helps a lot, specially for simple commands. I can only speak for myself, but the language barrier didn't stopped my fixation for games (specially Nintendo) in the slightly when I was a kid (No foreign parents or relatives to help). And in that time portuguese translation was a rarity in any platform. |
Thankfully, certain genre of games could be pretty straightforward in their objectives and the way to follow them.
I'm French Canadian and my English sucked for most of my teenage years until I got to college where I made true strides in my understanding of it.
I basically couldn't get into heavy story games and RPGs in general. I played some of them during my formatting years, but I clearly did not understood what I was reading and going with the linear motions of some games.
For example, one game I was playing a lot on our family PS2 early on, The Bouncer, had color coded stat upgrades. Not knowing what they meant, I just thought the colors were referencing the characters themselves and not the HP, Attack and Defense stats lol. Our builds were freaking awful hahaha 😂
Thankfully, my interest in games, the lack of more widespread French translations for most games I played and ultimately, the flow of some of those scripts in my language which I judged awful most of the time made me switch to play mainly in English anyway.
Of course, not everyone will be fortunate enough to learn their way through a 2nd language but I'd say it is worth it if you can.
Just gotta choose between English or Japanese haha. Or both if you're crazy enough !
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