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Shtinamin_ said:
LurkerJ said:

Nothing is destroying the family units in the west as much as the housing crisis, poor public services, stagnant wages, and falling standards of living. The LGBT community can't be blamed for any of this, 

I never blamed the LGBTQIA2+ community. Why are you assuming that?
There are so many people in the world, not just in the U.S.A. that are not protecting the idea of the family. And the rest that you mention is from pride from political leaders.

So your defense is that you are only partially blaming the LGBT community? If you argue that a move away from "a common family" with "a man and a woman" will lead to the destruction of the USA, how is that not at least in part saying that the parts of the LGBT community who don't fit that definition are partially to blame for this destruction?

And please explain what exactly you mean when you talk about "pride from political leaders".