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Also why Aonuma specifically ? There's so many people and different directors that were working on these last two games.

Scapegoating the overall producer but not talking about the people who actually gives the overall gameplay ideas and systems in place seem disgenuine.
Anywoo, it's always easy to blame a single person for no reason but personal satisfaction.

Most could see the GOTY award coming for BG3 from away. Does it deserve it ? Yes.

But if we're to talk criticism at least, let's talk about that broken, not truly polished 3rd act.
The fact that they're basically giving the award to a game that should've seen more polish before release kinda vindicates the state of broken AAA games we've seen in the last few years.

In the end, the VGA is a huge commercial with sprinkle of "awards" that completely denatures the perception of the medium.

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