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Jumpin said:

I’ve not seen the latest, but I’ve enjoyed every single film in the series to date. Even the John Woo one nerdy types decided to hate. Although, my favourite is the third film, with Davian (Philip Seymour Hoffman). I hate ticking clock film plot mechanics, they’re cheesy and cliche, but interesting writing + Cruise and Hoffman’s acting made the gun to the head countdown one of the  greatest scenes in a spy thriller, ever.

I liked them all to varying degrees, including 2 and 3. 2 I get where the hate comes from but not 3. It's good fun and Phil is great in it. If I had to rank them right now it would be:

Tier 1: Ghost Protocol, Rogue Nation, Fallout

Tier 2: Mission Impossible 1 & 3

Tier 3: MI2 & Dead Reckoning