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I feel like such a boring sheep but yeah...Elden Ring man. IT's so good. even the complaints I had about it last year are melting away as time goes on and it feels like those 'problems' were deliberately there (like how so many of the bosses are ganks, basically making you engage with either coop or Spirit Summons.)

So many of the game's criticisms are either...people playing the game wrong and blaming the game for it (Refusing to engage with the game's systems because they want this to be more like Dark Souls, like this weird idea that you have to solo every boss and anything else is bad) or complaining about the things that it had to adapt to work in an open world setting (Repeat bosses, a less strict difficulty curve, etc).

Some things about that game that were frustrating at the time actually were very good in hindsight. Just like most souls-style games. When you are playing there's a clear 'this is unfair' or 'this is BS' vibe to some fights, but then you beat it and think 'oh, okay, I get it now'. Sometimes that doesn't happen, but most of the time it does.

I put about 500 hours into Elden Ring and I want to keep playing it. I'm forcing myself to not do it so I can come back once there's some DLC and enjoy it from scratch. it will never be my first time again but hot damn I want that sense of adventure and exploration I got that we all enjoyed in the first few months of the game's release.

Pretty hard to breach my top ten of all time list (most of them are SNES nostalgia favourites), but Elden Ring absolutely makes the cut. That and Bloodborne are probably my two favourite games not on the SNES. And I couldn't be happier. No matter what Miyazaki and his team makes next I'll be right there to get it.

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