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chakkra said:
EricHiggin said:

I'm not the one who posted about the sign in the first place.

Question : Why did you?

I thought it was pretty clear, but apparently not. I posted it to illustrate that the news is already reaching people out of online forums and Youtube commentary.

Is that where the "majority" get their news?

And I was illustrating how poorly info get's out in general, and how the importance of certain info doesn't seem to factor into what get's out and shared abroad and what doesn't.

Now if instead of mentioning that missed info in a reply here prior, if I tried to get that info out more broadly, how successful would I likely have been?..

It's not like those are the only things consumers should be taking into account that aren't widely known and understood.

Then again, that would take up the entire display case, and nobody would be able to see the products in them anymore, and you can't have that...