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LurkerJ said:
SvennoJ said:

What is better, trying your luck by catching Omicron or get vaccinated? A sore arm for 2 days or maybe 3 weeks in bed to gain immunity.

I think I am done with this back and forth. The point these doctors are raising is that it is time to have a more nuanced approach to vaccines and vaccination as this is not a black and white issue, basically not letting baseless major policies go unchallenged.

In what world did I, or any of the healthcare workers, suggest getting the infection with no prior exposure to the virus or the vaccines is a good idea? 

Not sure how you're not for mandatory vax by now.

We all know that going to school, most importantly, college and university, always works out. Everybody get's a well paid cushy job in whatever career they've been trained for. Nobody ends up unemployable and in debt.

We all know that practicing, especially for sports, always works out. As long as you practice and push yourself, you'll always be successful upon your next attempt. Nobody who practices for something, ever ends up failing.

We all know the more you have, especially unearned, the better off you'll be. As long as you have more than you know what to do with, you'll be nothing but happy and healthy. Nobody who's ever had too much, has ended up unhappy and miserable.

It's the 21st century. We've got it all figured out. Wheeling over walking. What benefit could walking have provided that sitting in motion doesn't?