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SvennoJ said:
IcaroRibeiro said:

Doubt it. Most people understand and believe vaccines are effective, they just don't bother. Antivaxxes (the morons who don't believe vaccines actually works) are actually not the majority of unvaccinated people:

Only 37% answered to not believe in vaccines

Most of people just feel like they don't need it because they are young, healthy and because they find more bothersome to take a shot in the arms than to fall under the smaller number of odds of getting a severe disease (as most of cases are asymptomatic). There are also ones who understand getting vaccinated as some sort of political statement yikes

Ultimately, there isn't any sense of community os responsibility in big societies, this only works in small groups of people. Ultimately people will choose whatever feels more convenient for themselves, people are more afraid of getting an arm sore for a couple of hours (53% answered they are afraid of "side effect") than Covid that's nothing really to be done

For instance, overall USA citzens are far more educated than brazilians citzens (USA scored 0.9 in education IDH, Brazil scored 0.69). Yet despite being poorer and starting our vaccination campaign much later we already surpassed the number of vaccinated people with at least one shot and overall numbers are increasingly in a fast pace. So is really education correlated with vaccination rate? I'm forced to disagree 

What kind of education is that measuring?

The lack of social education is what causes this. Patriotism is abound (in the USA) yet only when it comes to outsiders, there is a lack of unity inside and no responsibility for being part of society. Hence the only thinking is about the effects on yourself. That needs to change with education.

Maybe there is a stronger sense of community in Brazil?

It's the same with masks. You mostly wear them to protect others, they're far less effective to protect yourself. But the narrative in NA has to be about your own protection or people don't really bother. It's the same with simple things like cleaning the shopping cart after you're done with it. Now the supermarkets are back to 'do it yourself' mode, I hardly see anyone taking the effort to simply wipe down the cart after use.

Hence I'm glad the kids are back to school. They can get good education through online learning as well, however that lacks all the important parts of living and working together. We're all in this together is something many people tend to forget.

Education, yes, however, the bigger problem is education for those on top calling the shots when it comes to management and execution.

One of the biggest problems by far is that this has been a more rare situation about life and death, which is not something that allows for much leeway when it comes to screwing up. Most times they can screw up the situation and it's not a huge deal because all it requires is a little more money or new leadership to fix it. Money doesn't fix death and (some) new leadership hasn't helped in this scenario.

Almost all those on top have done a poor job at best from the start. This alone is enough for plenty of people to be hesitant if not totally against the vax. It would be different if it was a poor start but that things got ironed out in a timely fashion and were straightforward now, but that's not the case.

When your boss or workplace sucks, you quit. If all bosses or workplaces based on your career suck after moving through them, you find a new career path. If 'getting out' isn't an option for whatever reason, you choose a workplace because you have to, and your work greatly suffers because you're not happy about the situation. When your boss sits you down and asks why you're 'so distant' and 'withdrawn', yet basically tells you there's no negotiating since they don't care and you need to just buck up and deal with it, well... we all know what most people would think about that. 'Tell your idiot boss to shove it', right? Well that's what's been happening since the pandemic first started.

Taking the education of the masses into account, along with what info they've actually gotten and can handle, any potential spin on it, and their own bias in a world where medicine can't just be medicine on it's own, and you've got yourself one massive problem in a situation like this.

There's big problems that shouldn't be big problems that need to be dealt with before further, more serious big problems can be solved.