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Runa216 said:

I worry that y'all are getting WAY too worked up over this. It seems everyone's estimating a different version of a megaton and, outside of E3, Sony doesn't really do that. We might get one or two nice reveals or drops, but I just don't see this living up to the expectations that you've all set for yourselves. I look forward to the meltdown about how Sony has lost it and they've lost the generation and how they're going down the toilet when this proves to be simply alright.

I figure we'll see 2-3 big games (Horizon, God of War, gran Turismo) but no huge reveals. Mostly indie stuff, probably WAY too much time spent selling Death Loop, and nothing about this Fromsoft exclusive Souls game. (Which I absolutely hope is real because Bloodborne is one of the greatest games of all time and I'd like to see what the PS5's version of that could be)

Its important to note that this is not a state of play, it's branded as a games Showcase so it is essentially a mini E3 presentation. I assume similar to what we saw last Summer. I wouldn't expect too many reveals simply because Sony has already blown their load, but I do expect at least one from Sony and one major reveal from a 3rd party. There are also plenty of 3rd Party titles due in 2022 that are due an update but skipped E3. Forsaken, Hogwarts should at least be added to those list of big games and I'm suspecting we'll see a FF16 update. Elden Ring is also launching in 4months. So lots of potential big games to be shown even if there are no major reveals.