Had an authoritarian themed week.
Handmaid's Tale S4: Went in some interesting directions I wasn't expecting. It can be refreshing when a writer bothers to flesh out a meaty resolution for a story (if you can call this that) or at least explore the aftermath and consequences of its characters' actions in depth. We get plenty of that here and it's a nice change of pace.
The Pianist: One of those movies I always meant to get around to watching but never did. Man, that first half has some gut wrenching, sobering moments. I've never seen the ghetto developed so vividly before. Amazing what Szpilman survived and came back from. Reminds me of another survivor I read about in school and attended a lecture by named David Faber.
Downfall: Another one I always meant to watch, another moment in history I had not seen so detailed before. I guess it's a testament to its quality that you can actually begin to sympathize with Nazis of all people.