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Makaha said:
IcaroRibeiro said:

Just because some people (mostly who barely watch movies, or even knows anything about cinema) disagree with my opinion does it make it less valid? 

I never watched a really badly scored movie (I.e. a movie with less than 40 on MC) that is even remotely close to be any good, never. If you have a good counter example please give it to me, I'm curious to see 

Mixed reviews movies (50-60) are another thing. Those aren't badly reviews, those are mixed. That are nixed movies I like and mixed movies I dislike which kinda makes sense because they were... mixed reviewed ?

there are huge differences in scores between critics reviews and user reviews for a lot of movies, so that tells me that movie critics don't know what they are talking about when the general public enjoys those same movies much more

The fact that there are huge differences in scores could just as easily demonstrate that general audiences and user reviews are both pretty stupid, not that critics don't know what they are talking about. You may have people who are willing to side with you in the argument that critics suck, but the argument that general audiences are any better likely won't get you far.