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I feel like I fall almost completely on the other side of the coin haha, I really liked King of the Monsters.

Yeah, the plot was dumb, and the lame attempts at comedy fell flat and were tonally unfitting, but the same can be said of 90% of Godzilla films to be honest, even speaking as a fan.

For me, this was more than compensated for by the fantastic way the monsters were handled; they really seemed like godlike beings, and both Godzilla and Ghidorah had so much personality. The fights were fast paced and hard hitting without losing the sense of scale, and really seemed like giant creatures going at it. The cinematography in these scenes was awesome too, with a lot of majestic shots.

And the score, holy moly the score, easily one of the best in the series, from the amazing remixes of classic themes to excellent new ones, it evoked the franchise's roots while still sounding fresh and modern, and above all just epic.

It's not quite my favourite film in the franchise, but it's not too far off.