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curl-6 said:
EricHiggin said:

How many still injured or die because of not wearing seatbelts or speeding? How many still injured or die wearing a seatbelt or driving the speed limit? Why hasn't the world shut down all motor vehicle travel for the greater good, as per health and life?

Surely not because it would be seen as an inconvenience, or that it would hurt the overall economy...

Should we just give people absolute freedom to drive any speed they want? To drive on the sidewalks? To drive drunk? Of course not. Safety measures need to be put in place to protect human lives. It's the same with masks and other anti-COVID measures. 

So when COVID is all over with and the Gov decides, 'now it's time to solve MOVED' (motor vehicle deaths), when they outlaw motor vehicles, as inconvenient as that would be, you and most others worldwide will get on board and put your best foot forward to save every last life possible?