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@TalonMana few things I think could be considered...a heading for the VGC News, a heading for the The ChartzAnd a heading for the forum, similar to what is there, but bumped up higher to the top so that all three elements are aligned (I didn't realize there was an ad there in the native viewing, more on that further down the post)I can see that VGC is trying to be (and is) many things at once, but I really feel these elements should be introduced, both for cleanness and to give them the props they deserve.I also think that the bottom of the page should finish it is, all three columns end at different points and it doesn't feel well laid out. This can be accomplish with graphics, spacing, font size changes, or whatever works to make the bottom of the page feel finished and intentionalI'm sure it has been mentioned, but the forum scroll doesn't give you the option to select all the forums. It's like the setting is set to advance full forward or full backOh...and full disclosure, I use an AdBlock (which I'm sure makes my opinion moot) but I just unblocked the ads and to my surprise VGC sits inside a giant ad which makes the main page much smaller and which has a scroll bar where I can only see two inches at a time of the page. Scrolling down doesn't give me full control of the page but just a tiny sliver. And for the record, VGC taught me to use an adblocker back in the day because the ads kept giving me viruses and crashing my computer and I needed my VGC fix so bad that I had to learn about those pesky things that are now the bane of all web based enterprises.I did pay for VGC last year at the Silver level, and would be happy to it's not exactly like I'm completely free loading here, just partially.