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First, let me say that I'm happy so much is being done to bring this site into the future. I know it's a lot of work for everyone involved.Second, I will say that in the future I'm all for the front page being much less cluttered and much easier on the eyes. In my opinion it actually looks worse than it did originally, mostly because it seems some of the borders that kept things in place are gone. I have always felt this site tried to put way too much on the page in an attempt to sell as many of the capacities of this site as possible. I'm sure there is a cleaner way to accomplish this that at the bare minimum at least looks appealing.I hope as the nuts and bolts and behind the scenes aspects of the site continue to be adjusted to align with the new php, that in the future we will also see a process of updating going forward for the represenation of VGC on the front page.Not trying to be a downer, but definitely hoping for a more attractive future for VGC.