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Minor bug, nothing dramatic, but when you click on the notification that you got a new badge, it brings you to the page with the overview of all existing badges, not your badges.

On that note, about 150k have signed up but only 80k came back a second time? Are those one-timers mostly bots or what?

Zkuq said:
OhNoYouDont said:
Can you guys fix the CSS? On an ultrawide monitor and the #mainContainerSub has a max width of 1200px for some bizarre reason.

Can't speak for owners of ultrawide monitors, but not too wide please! Wider containers mean longer lines, which in turns makes it harder for eyes to track the beginning of the next line. That is, when lines are too long, reading gets harder. I (the owner of a 23.5" 1080p screen) currently have a userstyle which sets the width to 1000px because 1200px is already uncomfortably long.

One suggestion I have in this case to make both parties happy could be to do the same as TVTropes did: offer an option for a wide load for those who want to to fill the screen. Something like that could then be toggled in the settings after implementation by those who prefer it.