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Cevat Yerli: There's a lot of critique about this decision, "Why don't we just go for console?" And yes, it could be done; it could be done pretty straightforward. But I still want to have Crysis on the PC; the dominant platform should be PC. And Crysis should be on PC. This is a philosophical decision here. We'll see how it holds up here, and we see if our exclusivity is not rewarded, it will have consequences.


Oh, and regarding sales

IGN: A lot of people I know are waiting to build a new PC and then they'll buy Crysis. Does that mean, compared to Far Cry, do you think the sales have been steadier for Crysis?

Cevat Yerli: Yeah, I think our lifetime is definitely longer and more steadier. Sales wise we're outperforming Far Cry still. The sales are good; they're not really bad.

so anyone think this will still be released on consoles?

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"