Pemalite said: Using the power of mathematics, it doesn't actually matter how many tests you perform... You end up with a "confirmed rate" of infection which can then be extrapolated into various demographics using the law of averages. So no. Increasing testing does stuff all to those who actually understand basic statistics. |
So you would agree with Trump that less testing would have been better, and they should start testing less going forward? I mean, why waste time and money by testing more if you're not likely to confirm more cases?
Pemalite said: Again... Morality has nothing to do with it, this isn't religion, this is peoples lives. And whatever job you have... Heck whatever job I have is ultimately irrelevant, you are either an essential worker or you are not. |
Well based on what you said prior that seemed to be the case, but glad we've got this all cleared up now. I wouldn't say what you do is irrelevant, it's just not a key deciding factor as to who you are as a moral individual. It's much more complex than that.
Pemalite said: From the 28th of September to the 5th of October 2016 my city was without electricity, it was actually at a crisis point where an emergency had been declared. We were also about to run out of mains water due to the lack of pumping, so we were relying on gravity fed systems... Fuel was scarce to power generators and so forth to run the pumps. However basic infrastructure gets prioritized, that is hospitals and emergency services and supermarkets. That means any and all fuel that gets brought in via ship or truck gets sent to those places first to run their generators, the hospital here is actually backed up by an array of high-capacity lithium cells, solar power, few smaller wind generators and a spate of high-capacity diesel generators, so whilst the hospital *could* in theory run out of power, it wasn't ever going to occur even under those specific scenarios. So yes, I do actually know for certain as I used to work in the healthcare sector and I am a first responder who relies on it. Allot of planning and logistics goes into supporting vital infrastructure... It rarely falters... Unless of course your planning and infrastructure is shit to begin with. |
I could point out how your city/country should have been ready for this well in advance, apparently, and critique, but I won't go there. If the back up is running which is what it's there for, then yes, as long as it keeps running, you're at much less risk. Pandemics are also quite rare, especially world reaching.
Pemalite said: We have been over this... But I shall repeat it just in-case. What is deemed "necessary" and "essential" is what is required to support a functioning society. You are never going to be seen and treated as "equals" in the job market due to career path, skillsets, experience and more, that's just a fact of life. |
Exactly. Nothing, is ever treated as entirely equal, no matter the situation, how many times it's said, or how much it's believed in everyday life. Some people realize this, and some people don't. The people who do, are much harder to convince.
Pemalite said: I don't believe people should have guns willy-nilly. Gun control has been proven to work. But basically your argument amounts to this... Choice can be wrong, because people can make the wrong choice. |
Nope. Let them tell you not to put the fork in the socket, then ask them to explain why, and hope it's everything you need to know. Afterwards, decide for yourself. There's a reason why all homes don't have a lockable idiot cover for every single outlet in private and public life. Socket 'masks'?
Pemalite said: Hard data on various topics does get released to the public, but you have conspiracy theorists who throw it out the window. Case in point... * Climate Change. |
Doesn't matter. If people were smart and wise enough, some would say, you wouldn't have that problem. Another part of the problem, is that people themselves have a lot of personal problems. The only way to 'save' them all from themselves, is for the few 'perfect' people to force them all to live a certain way. No more choices, no more 'problems'.
Pemalite said: If you aren't willing to protect another persons health... Or even "life" because you might get offended that you are being "told what to do". - Then you might be a snowflake, I don't think you are, but you might just prove that assumption wrong with this continued line of thinking. |
Very nice spin jab. Very nice. LOL. Sticks and stones. Sticks and stones. Soon to be the tools of the future at this rate.
Pemalite said: A high-end mask isn't required, any mask provides improved protection. It's about reducing risk, not eliminating it entirely. Condoms for example "reduce the risk" of pregnancy, it cannot guarantee to stop pregnancy 100%. It's a control measure. |
I dunno, Hiku seemed pretty adamant. Who to believe? Who to ignore? Control? Exactly.
Pemalite said: No one in this thread is proposing that people should be ID chipped with cams/scanners placed everywhere with constant checkpoints. But if people are stupid and are being selfish, not thinking about the health and safety of other individuals... Then maybe there needs to be more control measures put in place to reduce the risk of infection... Because whatever the United States is doing is simply a joke and ineffectual. |
Not yet they aren't. How long before that becomes the "new normal" though? I mean, Trump as Prez? In this reality? Are you high? It'll, never, happen..
Pemalite said: The difference the USA and other people have is that... When an official here "mandates" something, we generally nod and follow the rules and we work cohesively to achieve the outlined goals and objectives. I think that comes down to cultural issues than anything else. |
Maybe, but the moment you ever piss off America, I'd bet the world would quickly be told how 'terrible' you guys 'really are'. Don't forget the media. Too bad the world doesn't get mainstream coverage of down under for all to see. Maybe that's the example the world so desperately needs.