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Pemalite said:
EricHiggin said:

What? Your doings are justification, and mine are not, because...? Ah. I see now.

Anything for you, your moral highness..

Do I need to explain what an essential worker is? I got time to kill.

Hiku said:
EricHiggin said:

And when the power goes out to a hospital, and the back up generators unfortunately don't fire up, who get's up in the middle of the night and does what's necessary to get the power back up asap for those needy people? Or maybe an old folks home in the middle of the freezing winter or dead heat of summer. Gotta fix the pole line in this case? Mother nature doesn't care. The storm ain't going anywhere, so save yourself, them, or try to do both as safely as possible. Sometimes all don't get saved, and sometimes the help goes along with them.

Luckily for Earth there's more than just one superhero..

Though I, respect that you do what you do.

It's July 13. Where do you get your news if you still don't understand that essential workers are still working during a pendemic, even if there's a lockdown?

JRPGfan said:
Pemalite said:

Do I need to explain what an essential worker is? I got time to kill.

DeSantis says WWC wrestlers are! so it must be true!
Wrestle mania here I come. Also a fantastic time to reopen Disney World, and Schools.

Better time than people, I always say.

I'll save you the time, by pointing out that it's about what's essential to the individual first, and the community second. The question you aren't asking is, is the job essential to me? If the answer to that happens to be no, as in I don't so much require the money, then you can't help but ask why am I doing it then, or more importantly, why have I gone back to that sector of work again? Maybe it potentially has to do with my morals? Considering trades aren't exactly a dime a dozen, the more specialized one's even beyond that, and what they provide tends to be deemed as necessity in today's world.

Maybe just maybe there's a teeny tiny spark of light somewhere among all that darkness.

    • GUARDIAN: What can I do?
    • THE SPEAKER: You must push back the Darkness. Guardians are fighting on Earth and beyond. Join them. Your Ghost will guide you. I only hope he chose wisely.
    • GHOST: I did. I'm sure of it. We're in this together now.