Pyro as Bill said:
Barozi said:
Well yeah they conducted between 15k and 25k tests a day for weeks which was terribly low. I think it was 50k yesterday and 80k today so they made a huge jump. The UK also targets 100k tests a day so if they can reach that they will be one of the top performing countries in that regard. However, it would still take some time to catch up to in total numbers.
To put it in perspective, the UK was at 820k total tests yesterday and with 82k tests a day they can double the totals in only 10 days.
Is there much point in testing during lockdown?
The Gov was aiming for 100k tests/day (hit 122k today) for when contact tracing is rolled out.
Well the numbers are misleading since they only hit their target because they were changing counting criteria.
Apparently it's now enough to send out testing kits to people at home and other satellite locations even though none of them have been analyzed.
And yes of course it's important to keep testing during lockdown. You can still infect others in supermarkets or at your workplace.