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newwil7l said:
drkohler said:

You are forgetting two simple facts:

1. Americans have a very short attention span. By August, they will have forgotten who is the guy to blame.

2. Joe Biden has absolutely no stand against Orangehead. The Democrats had four years to plan on how to go against a serial liar and they came up with the brilliant idea to finally waste their time with kind of a Muppet show. Sometimes I think their best chance would have been Jon Stewart (anyone remember the Rumble in the Air-conditioned Auditorium with Bill O'Reilly?).

No Americans won't have forgotten about all of this by August because the economy will not be back to normal by then. Not at all.

I'm sure DT is just going to roll over and let the narrative that it's all his fault take useful shape against him. No way is he going to consistently keep on pointing out that it was China's fault initially, which led to the rest of the world dealing with it, not to mention the rest of the China issue's he's been bringing to light for some time. I wonder if there's any other American leaders that had to deal with epidemic/pandemic severe illnesses, and how well or poorly they handled it in comparison?

If your partner get's covid and it makes your life tough for a while, when they get better and you can begin to put things back together, you don't divorce them. (unless they were cheating on you perhaps)

If your older boss get's covid and ends up in the hospital for weeks or more fighting it, and your life is made tougher because of it, when they return to work, you don't demand that they quit or get replaced.

None of these people created the illness. None of them contracted it on purpose. None of them purposely weakened themselves so they would take longer than necessary to fight off the illness. So why would you want them out of your life because you had to deal with the unfortunate consequences?

What the Dems need to hope for, if they plan to weaponize this, is that the American economy takes a much bigger hit than the other first world nations, and that it takes longer to get back on track. In that case, they will have somewhat of a point, though not all that strong by itself. If one or both of those turn out not to be true, it not only won't help them, it'll actually hurt them.