John2290 said:
To your last point first, that is the fucking conundrum. The only way to save the status quo is to form a on world government and the only way to save our freedoms and not have this happen in the future to such a degree of disaster is to revert to pulling everything back to the nation level. The latter seems to be what we are going for but that wipes so much progress to a post scarcity society and practically throws us back to a cold war era if not a full on conflict era. Remember that 1984 is not in the one world government approach, the whole structure of the world order in the book depends on there being other nations, at least the concept of them for the people. Cashless society? What exactly do you mean? Like a socialist credit system? |
What is needed is an in between measure. Nations with borders but willing to communicate and cooperate with other nations so it doesn't lead to war. That's so much easier said than put into practice though, I know, but it's the only way freedom remains as it does now. I wasn't trying to compare 1984 directly, but that the odds of that actually happening are slim in nations with rights that remain mostly intact. For other nations, they may not be so lucky if the free powerful nations don't step in and stop it, which they'd rather not do if they don't have to.
Simply cashless. You do or say something that creates massive controversy, usually in an online global fashion, and next thing you know, online money services can refuse to deal with you, or banks themselves. It's already happening on a very small scale, which means it will likely get worse the less cash there is. Right now you can easily get cash money or hold cash money on your person, without money services being involved, so not all that much pressure can be applied to you. What about when you rely on those services for all money holding and transfers? It's indirectly like digital only gaming. If those servers go down, no games for you. If you break whatever rules are applied to that ecosystem, you're kicked for a period of time to learn your lesson, or you're outright banned period. Some creators on YouTube or other media services have had a serious problem with this. Being kicked off the platform even though they haven't broken any rules, since the rules can be made up on the spot.
That's not to say it's guaranteed to happen, but the opportunity is there and it's being experimented with.
Last edited by EricHiggin - on 12 April 2020