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A lot of the catch phrases are poorly worded. Going green, or eco friendly, are really terrible explanations. While they say ocean levels are rising mostly due to CO2 emissions, what they don't say for the most part, is that the planet is becoming greener and greener because plants consume CO2. The more CO2, the greener the Earth gets, to a certain extent, and it has literally been getting greener as CO2 has increased.

The problem is water levels rising and the planet becoming human unfriendly, whether humans are causing it partially, entirely, or if at all. Part of the problem is we aren't certain of the exact cause or causes and how much each contributes exactly, because it's really complex, and the other problem is messaging, especially when it comes to politicians, because who really believes them?

Regardless, using less natural resources to achieve the same goal isn't really a problem, aside from the jobs that may be lost because of it.