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I really think the franchise has suffered some damage from how average that Solo film was and I was kinda a bit happy that it didn't turn a profit and actually lost money (I seen it at a midnight screening and was very sorry I did)

As for Ep9

I would love if it wouldn't make billions... but it will, regardless of the Quality of the movie / story people will flock to it just because of the brand name and to get a conclusion to that 3rd Trilogy but after watching "The Last Rian Johnson Movie" (ty RLM) I really don't have any kinda hype for ep 9 personally and I don't think I'll be seeing it in the cinema, to me the franchise was over years ago and should never have gotten a 4billion dollar price tag put on it, I think Lucas was smart to sell off the thing for what he did.

Real world though.... families will go and see it because kids will want to know what happened and be able to talk about it at school and older folk will go see it for pure nostalgia It will make around $1.5b with ease imo possibly $1.75b

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