First off, I greatly, greatly appreciate the increased mod interaction (and the transparency). This site currently has one of the best moderation teams I've ever seen in a forum and it is much appreciated.
Secondly, the heyday of videogame forums has long since passed us by. I'm pretty sure there's something called discord these days (I have no idea what it is) but it seems a lot of people use that to chat, in addition to social media, youtube, twitter, etc.
Third, as many people have said, this site is very news dependent. Forums are usually full of people expressing opinions or "arguing" about their opinions. The fact is, we're in that pre-E3 info drought (like every year) and that has an overwhelmingly stifling effect on conversation. Even the Youtubers that talk about gaming news have been relatively quiet and have had to fish pretty deep for topics.
I predict in about three weeks we'll see a strong uptick in conversations as the E3 leaks begin. Until then I enjoy the relative calm of the forum and the lack of trolling behavior. The numbers are stale any way you look at them right now, with Sony handedly trouncing this generation, Switch doing well but too far from Microsoft to start throwing parties, and years away from potentially challenging Sony's stranglehold on this generation.
I do appreciate the folks here, as most of us do. This is the only forum I go to, period. I communicate more here than on my social media platforms and appreciate keeping tabs on the site as a good barometer of videogaming specifically and society generally. Sometimes that makes me happy, and sometimes that makes me depressed, but either way I appreciate the view.