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Rafie said:
EricHiggin said:

If your friends do the same job that you do, but they work for a larger corporation and make a lot more money because of it, which allows them to have more cooler stuff, then that is considered normal. What wouldn't be normal, would be if you went to their corporation and demanded they give you money so you could have lot's of cool stuff like your friends have. They might very well offer you a job, and you would be expected to take it if you really want what you say you want, but if you refuse for whatever reason, that company is going to tell you to take a hike. If you got on social media and explained this to everyone, they either wouldn't believe the story because something would have to be missing for it to make any sense on your part, or they would tell you to make a choice and either stay where you are and miss out or take the new job and get the cool stuff you want. This makes sense.

If you own an XB1 or Switch, but your friends own a PS4, which is the market leader, and they get cool stuff because of it, then that is normal. For you to go to PS and demand they open up cool stuff like cross play so you can play with your friends, wouldn't be normal. PS may offer you a PS4 or Pro, but if you don't want to purchase it for whatever reason, then they are going to tell you to take a hike. Then you get on social media and explain this to everyone, but instead of them telling you it doesn't make sense or that you simply need to make a choice, they all instead join you and demand that PS basically give you all cross play, or free money, just like in the above example. How does this make any sense at all?

Some people may be gullible, but there is no doubt that others are simply hoping for this to happen because it would benefit themselves now and potentially into the future at no cost to them. The truth of the matter is that there is no guarantee that this will always make things better.

If for example, PS allows it, but screws up next gen bad like XB1 did, and XB and Nin hit the nail on the head and absolutely crush PS5, that will more than likely lead to major financial problems for the PS brand. Which could hurt it in many ways, like maybe less and worse quality first party titles, or even having to put those titles on XB and Nin platforms to make enough profits. What would be the point in even buying a PS5 at all then? Don't you think at that point in time, all the PS fans will be bashing XB and Nin for pushing to enable cross play since that allowed anyone to buy any brand of console, knowing full well they could play third party titles wherever they want and not be enticed to buy a PS5 due to not having an enclosed system anymore short of PS exclusives? Should XB and Nin be expected to literally turn people away so the PS5 ecosystem can stay relevant and keep those fans happy whatever it is they may want? Do you really think XB and Nin would go out of their way to help PS in a crisis like that? Did the Wii and 360 help PS3? Has the PS4 helped XB1 and Switch?

While there are many possible outcomes for the future, cross play may be leverage PS requires to keep up their ecosystem as it exists just in case. Maybe, maybe not. If losing that leverage meant PS and it's fans would no doubt suffer in whatever way to some degree in the future, would everyone still want cross play to be implemented? I would expect not since it's all about keeping gamers from every platform as happy as possible, and an unhappy PS5 group of gamers would go against this thinking. While it's possible nothing changes and PS5 does just fine, what if it didn't?

Well thought out response and sensible.

This doesn't negate the fact that PS still could potentially allow it if they feel they have enough aces up their sleeves for the future. Cross play should be great for everyone and would more than likely strengthen the entire gaming sector, but anyone who expects PS to do this just because 'the cool kids' (XB and Nin) say it's the thing to do these days, doesn't mean PS has to, or is going to follow. Making sure their business is as stable as possible going into the future is the most important above all, without being too anti consumer because if PS ends up on the other side of the fence later on, another brand will be the anti consumer market leader and PS would in a way be at fault, letting their fans and the industry down as a whole. No different than how XB let their fans and the industry down in 2013, and has spent the entire gen becoming as pro consumer as possible to make up for it. PS did this to themselves once already, just in a different way with PS3, and they are going to be super careful before going down that unknown road again without spare tires just in case.