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The publisher situation for PC releases is confusing, to say the least. Finding out whether a game has had a physical release can be somewhat difficult nowadays, and if it hasn't had one but has been released on several different digital platforms (e.g. Steam), I have no idea what to insert as the platform. Direct Download? Online? Something else? Why? What do all the options even mean? What about games that have been released on, say, Origin or uPlay but never physically? I think the situation is confusing enough to warrant a technical solution (i.e. changes to the system and/or the interface) instead of just giving out verbal instruction on how to handle the situation.

[EDIT]Just for the record, I also think it might be nice if you could first choose a release date (after choosing whether the game's been even released, of course), and then you could choose from all the possible distribution methods for that date so you could combine multiple methods. This would solve the issue for the most part, but I imagine changing this would require some database "fun".

To further improve the situation, it would be nice if only distribution methods appropriate for each platform (e.g. PS4, PC) would show up in the distribution method list. When I'm adding details for a PC game, I don't care about seeing the PS Store option since it should never apply - and conversely, when adding details for a console game, seeing Steam as a possible choice is just stupid. Obviously this is just a relatively minor detail, but it would make it noticeably more pleasant to add details to the database.[/EDIT]

VGPolyglot said:
Zkuq said:
Add the ability to add developers and maybe publishers as well. Since all additions already require admin approval, this should be OK. At the very least there should be instructions in the database on how to get a new developer/publisher added to the system instead of having to crawl through a relatively long thread. Specifically, these instructions should appear when you try to add a game with a developer that doesn't exist in the system yet.

The ability was previously only available to Versus and Talon, however as of yesterday all admins now have the ability to do it.

Yeah, that's already an improvement. However, I think it still needs work, especially considering how there's no centralized way to request additions or instructions in any easy place for handling missing developers.

Last edited by Zkuq - on 11 January 2018