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It will do pretty well I think. Compared to the other entries in the franchise and looking at US numbers adjusted for inflation:

A new hope: $1,590,608,000
The force awakens: $965,467,800
The empire strikes back: $876,753,100
Return of the jedi: $839,950,500
The phantom menace: $806,486,800
Revenge of the sith: $529,768,500
Attack of the clones: $477,473,400
The last jedi: $397,271,400

It will likely end up below Phantom menace but above Revenge of the sith. Nothing stellar, but not bad. I personally liked the movie a lot and did not fint it very controversial at all considering what happened between and to the main characters. They all followed a pretty logical progression if you look into the Star Wars saga and how much that happens in the movies that we shouldn´t take at face value.