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Nintendo will release a new Switch in 2020 that can handle XB1/PS4 style graphics (Switch Xavier/Tegra Xavier). It will be 400 GFLOPS portable, 1.2 TFLOP docked or thereabouts. As such the OG Switch should be able to play most/all games in docked mode at least (as its 400 GF docked). That's my guess.

They'll keep the current Switch (die shrunk to 16nm though) around and sell that more to kids/budget gamers at prices between $149.99 (home only model) to $199.99. 2DS/3DS will be gone by this point, but Nintendo will effectively have two hardware pillars this way. No silly stuff like an entire new hardware line that locks you out with different cartridges for no reason.

As such they won't see much of a decline in year 4/5/6 of their cycle as they would with other systems like the 3DS.

That's just my opinion.