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SvennoJ said:

SotC got there too before the remaster. It sits at 91 though despite reviews like

Shadow of the Colossus has more style than real substance and it is slightly baffling why Fumito Ueda, the game's creator, didn't develop this into something a little more Zelda-esque in order to make best use of the world he has created. He might have had a classic on his hands.

Lack of puzzle variety sounds the same as lack of things to do in the overworld in SotC. As long as the puzzles make sense and explore the relationship between trico and the kid it's all good. Just like in ICO where he constantly toys with your unease where to leave Yorda while figuring out the next puzzle. 2 more weeks to find out if lightning can strike thrice.

But Shadow of the Colossus felt like something completely different. Reviewers often respond to that. This 'just' feels like a more ambitious Ico