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Ex Machina for a Hollywood flick (they still have a soul and some creativity, it seems). Prometheus has a special place in my heart, A Serbian Film is what I would call a boundary pusher and Leviathan for proving that the Russian censorship is nowhere near as bad as the western media portrays it ( and its one amazing movie, acting wise probably being the best from my list).

I have seen people listing Whiplash, Birdman, The Artist, Boyhood(or did I just saw that one a different list?).Not bad movies, but I guess I had way to high expectations for them.

I cannot choose one, but in all honesty there are few decades after the 70's where I could. Never the less, even if it still not over its a mediocre decade. Way to much flash, with little substance, and the indie scene is either trying to hard or the movies are forgotten in a matter of months.

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